Monday 30 June 2008

one armed banditry

so typing one handed really sucks. but i'm getting surprisingly fast at it... even so updates to this will be irregular for a while yet.

after the debacle that was the NHS and their docs... I decided to go and get checked out through bupa... so the guy who looked at me has decided to treat this agressively, i.e. cut me open, manipulate the bones, so that they don't heal twisted and overlapping, then titanium plate it. nice.

basically what this means is i can be back on the road about a week after the op :-)
the op is on july 7th and frighteningly enough i'm looking forward to it!

I also have a fracture clinic appointment this friday too, so we'll go to that if even just to check out the x-rays and see how quickly I am healing even though it doesn't really matter anymore.

i am going to be bionic :-)

also at the moment, sleeping is getting difficult again, this thing is starting to heal to a certain extent and now i'm getting more restless in bed... doh. more nights of this to come... and I'm starting to contemplate sleeping with the sling off.

anyhoo... back to porridge.

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