Monday, 1 December 2008

Bike bike bike....

So its winter again... and it fairly sucks.
The commute to work today was fine once I got out of the street we live on which was like a skating rink. Man I hate the ice. I can be skittish enough on descents, never mind wondering whether I'm going to hit a patch of black ice or something like that!

Not a lot of training done this weekend.... took Cathy to her first spin class... her legs are still sore. :-) And that was really about it. I did a decent enough bit last week with some running thrown in too.. and maybe 50-60 miles... possibly? Can't really remember. Either way it was ok... but not millions.

Definitely not enough if I'm aiming for an early season victory next year!! :-)

Also had to get a new set of wheels.... 'what... more wheels?' you say? Yep. Because three odd spokes had snapped in the set I was riding on the winter bike and I just ain't gonna take the chance of that falling apart on me at an inappropriate time!

Previous week, I went out on the club run... was possibly a bit over-trained when I went out... as I was wrecked just doing the cycle over to the House of Sport and then had to turn for home after about 30 miles. In fairness it was a tough run... but I should have been up to it. If nothing else at least it was my decision to turn and I didn't (officially) get dropped.

I'll be better soon.

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