crashing. crashing really fecking sucks.
ok, so it was on the night of the 10th of June, i was just starting to feel like i was getting some shape back after our honeymoon, had done some good rides, rode the carrick crit and finished whic was good going as it was really tough, went down to track racing and was having a good night, then the final team pursuit race began...
i took off after john and david neill, pulling hard on the pedals, left foot pops out.
for those that don't know track racing is done on a track bike, fixed gear no brakes. you pedal backwards, they go backwards. in other words when they start they don't like to stop and there's a lot of inertia.
:interlude ends
left foot goes down, bike flips me over and i slam into the ground coming out of a sprint, i land on my shoulder and head and then someone else crashes into me (he was ok though.. thankfully).
i'm a bit dazed, nothing is hurting yet, can't move my arm, my head hurts.. oops.
the guys get me off the track to the grass... i'm covered in road rash, this is sore. they get me sitting up and put my arm into position... i almost pass out. they get a sling on me and somehow ring cathy to let her know i'm badly hurt and anthony is coming to get her.
somehow, i get back to the car and essentially drift in and out of coherence.
cathy arrives and we get to the hospital where i wait hours to get seen, obviously the drunks fighting and puking get preference(!).

anyways.. its bad. the bones are well seperated and i'm still bleeding and making no sense. the try to put a sling on, but i can't wear it as it pulls too much and i keep turning grey and almost passing out... so they try to get me to the observation ward as i drift in and out of being awake.
i passed out eventually in the bed with some drugs and got a few hours sleep, next day i get home around lunchtime after getting much stronger painkillers, but even so getting a new sling on still makes me faint with pain.
you can see the distance between the bones there...

the next few days are spent in a blur of drug induced sleep and its only now, a week and a half later that i'm coherent enough and well enough physically to be walking about and doing some things for myself.... road rash is the hardest thing to try and sleep with... never mind that each time you move it hurts like hell...
it also bleeds... well, oozes is a better word for it but it sticks to

i'm starting to recover now though and want to get back to activity... the cuts are healing too and there appears to be light at the end of tunnel :-)

cathy stayed with me all the time and has been amazing through it all... thanks also to the guys at track, anthony, rachel, brian for their help too on the night.